In Schopenhauer's philosophy, some form of knowing is essential. Different types of knowing are enlisted in a more comprehensive project of which the high point is intuitive knowledge, not aesthetical knowledge. Schopenhauer admired artists who created sublime pieces of arts because they were a vessel for the will channeling itself. There is definitely something of a symbiotic relationship of art to philosophy in Schopenhauer's philosophy. Schopenhauer had nothing but the highest respect for artists and univocally called the greatest among them geniuses. Schopenhauer's concept of genius is a more moderate synthesis of the creative originality of genius and the inspired copying of certain trans-experiential ideas. Schopenhauer's use of the image of 'the wheel of Ixion' is especially illuminating. Schopenhauer's philosophy describes certain practices, philosophical systems and states of affair by discerning their enabling conditions and evaluating whether they are based upon insight or falsehood.