Figure 7.1 The average monthly rainfall in the study area (central Illubabor)

Figure 7.2 The average monthly rainfall (Dizi, Sor and Gore) during the study period (August 1997 - July 1998)

Figure 7.3 Monthly rainfall during the study period recorded at each gauge

Figure 7.4 Rainfall during the study period compared to the 31 year average of Metu, Dizi, Gore and Sor

Compared with the descriptive statistics for the average of Dizi, Sor, Metu and Gore rainfall during the previous 31 years (Figure 7.4) it is clear that rainfall during the 1997 - 1998 season was characterized by unusually high rainfall during October, March and June. In contrast, April experienced well below average rainfall, with December, January and February also receiving slightly less rainfall than usual.