The Atayal tribes along the Ta-An River bank in Heping Township, Taichung County were near the epicentre of the 21 September 1999 earthquake that hit Taiwan, suffering heavy casualties and severe damage. This chapter reflects upon what was learned about community social work and green social work in tribal areas. It introduces the development of Taiwan Indigenous Dmavun Development Association (TIDDA) and examines its work, achievements and influence. The chapter considers social workers' reflections upon their experiences including those of green social work. The Tribal Kitchen Project included a set of initiatives drawing upon the core value of 'Community-based Mutual Care' to reach out and create a welfare network which began by serving meals for older people living alone, and ensuring job safety among kitchen staff. The core post-disaster service of TIDDA was providing social care for elders, a provision unappreciated by the public sector and a social work professional for not being cost effective.