This chapter replicates the lighting contained in a still life painting. To correct the reflectivity, specularity, and color, they can adjust the diffuse, transparency, and specular attributes of the assigned Blinn materials until the desired look is met. Another solution calls for the assignment of the glass and water surfaces to Physically Based Rendering shaders supported by the Arnold renderer and adjust the attributes of those shaders. Arnold divides the sampling between major shading qualities, including diffuse, glossy, transmission, and sub-surface scattering. In addition, Arnold includes a camera attribute to control the overall anti-aliasing quality. One quality of the painting that they haven't replicated is the reflection of the window with the distinct window cross bars. The chapter adjusts the Blinn material's Eccentricity, Specular Roll Off, Specular Color, and Reflectivity attributes. It provides values for various attributes, such as light colors, light intensities, and shadow qualities.