The two countries whose recent history and politics are reviewed here, Sri Lanka and Malaysia in South and Southeast Asia1 respectively, are excel­ lent case studies on the dual and conflicting roles ethnicity plays, at once a powerful constructive agent in state building and a potent destabilizing one. In its most constructive phase, nationalism in alliance with ethnicity, was one of the principal driving forces in the successful agitation for independ­ ence against colonial rule, an integral part of the historical anti-colonial struggles of the post-second world war era. Sri Lanka’s independence came in 1948, in the critically important first phase of decolonization; Malaysia’s followed in 1957. While ethnicity gave support and provided legitimacy to the nationalist upsurge against colonialism it proved to be a formidable obstacle to the peaceful consolidation of the power of these same national­ ist forces in post-colonial state construction, especially because both states

were multi-ethnic or multi-religious or both. The contrasting history of the two countries in regard to post-independence state construction is reviewed below.