Within the nuclear shell model with nucleons occupying several ℓ orbits ℓ1, ℓ2, . . ., as already mentioned in Chapter 6, it is possible to define a isoscalar plus isovector pairing Hamiltonian, as given by Eq. (6.29), carrying SO(8) symmetry. The commutators for the 28 operators P †µ, Pµ, D

† µ, Dµ, S

1 µ, T

(στ)1,1µ,µ′ and Q0 defined by Eqs. (6.27) - (6.30) establish that they form a closed algebra and this is the SO(8) algebra [246]. The commutators are as follows,[

P †µ Pµ′ ] = (−1)µ′+1

√ 2 〈1µ 1− µ′ | 1µ− µ′〉 T 1µ−µ′ + δµµ′ Q0 ,[

P †µ Dµ′ ] = (−1)µ′ (στ)1,1−µ′,µ ,[

D†µ Dµ′ ] = (−1)µ′+1√2 〈1µ 1− µ′ | 1µ− µ′〉 S1µ−µ′ + δµµ′ Q0 ,[

P †µ Q0 ] = −P †µ ,

[ D†µ Q0

] = −D†µ ,[

] = 0 ,

[ P †µ T

] = −

√ 2 〈1µ 1µ′ | 1µ+ µ′〉 P †µ+µ′ ,[

D†µ T 1µ′ ] = 0 ,

] = −

√ 2 〈1µ 1µ′ | 1µ+ µ′〉 D†µ+µ′ ,[

] = δµ,−µ′′ (−1)1+µD†µ′ ,[

] = δµ,−µ′ (−1)1+µ P †µ′′ ,[

] = −

√ 2 〈1µ 1µ′ | 1µ+ µ′〉 S1µ+µ′ ,[

] = −

√ 2 〈1µ 1µ′ | 1µ+ µ′〉 (στ)1,1µ+µ′ ,µ′′ ,

Models[ T 1µ T

] = −√2 〈1µ 1µ′ | 1µ+ µ′〉 T 1µ+µ′ ,[

] = −

√ 2 〈1µ 1µ′′ | 1µ+ µ′′〉 (στ)1,1µ′ ,µ+µ′′ ,[

] = δµ1,−µ3 (−1)1+µ1

√ 2 〈1µ2 1µ4 | 1µ2 + µ4〉T 1µ2+µ4

+δµ2,−µ4 (−1)1+µ2 √ 2 〈1µ1 1µ3 | 1µ1 + µ3〉S1µ1+µ3 .