The development of professional practice in sport, exercise, and performance psychology (SEPP) can be a long road, a career-long road, in fact. The road begins with education and training and continues through the latter stages of one’s career. Although supervised practical experience is expected during graduate training and required by credentialing bodies (e.g., licensing boards and professional organizations that provide certification), supervision after graduate training and credentialing is rare. This chapter discusses professional development (PD) for SEPP practitioners throughout the phases of their career. Based on counsellor/therapist-development literature, the six phases of SEPP PD include three as a trainee (lay helper, beginning student, advanced student) and three as a professional (novice professional, experienced professional, and senior professional). To enhance their development, trainees can engage in both inter- and intra-personal activities such as supervision, mentorship, and self-reflection, and professionals can engage in numerous PD activities as well as self-reflection and self-regulation.