Sociologists in Serbia are trying to describe and explain the totality of events and processes seizing the society of former Yugoslavia and Serbia or Yugoslavia as a newly constituted state. The Workshop "Families as Educators for Global Citizenship," which Robert Rapoport was organizing in Budapest, appeared to the author as the only salvation, the straw to which a drowning man clutches. The world believed that Serbians solved their problems with arms instead of talks, and therefore Serbia was outlawed by all earthly rules, excommunicated from the human community under the United Nations embargo. The Workshop "Families as Educators for Global Citizenship," which Robert Rapoport was organizing in Budapest, appeared to the author as the only salvation, the straw to which a drowning man clutches. There are people who are farsighted and brave enough to say no and speak up when all others who are silent or seemingly indifferent try to conceal their internal doubts.