At the edge of the Jacal town, the cofradia stopped and sent off other cuetes to alert the town. Nearly every figure of mythical importance to Jacaltenango is a traveller, and most likely a crucero/crucera. The most powerful stories and characters often used to represent what it means to be Jacalteco and part of the Jacalteco-Catholic religious community. On occasion, the Jacaltenango cementerios are a site of weeping and prayermaking by many mourners, but once a year they are also colorful places associated with marimba music and picnics. El Dia de los Santos is one occasion when many Jacalteco people reestablish their cemeteries as sites for the living as well as the dead. Families split apart by deadly diseases, accidents, assassinations, deaths both timely and untimely, reunite for this celebration. The dead are often buried here, and in the other Jacalteco cemeteries, with extra clothes packed in bags for el otro lado.