For feminists working within Christian traditions, it is necessary to articulate models for biblical hermeneutics which are not only feminist but also can be related to theological frameworks. This task is problematized by the thorough-going nature of feminist critique, which both philosophically and theologically is required to rescript its own landscapes. This means that feminist questions necessarily spill out in innumerable directions, all of which interrelate. The most significant philosophical impact on feminist thesis was from postmodern and post-structuralist perspectives, which furnished yet another point of intersection from this inquiry proceeded. The primary principles of interpretation advocated were those of remembrance and destabilization. That these strategies actually coin was stressed, although as a strategy remembrance emphasizes the materialist dimension of feminist interpretation and destabilization its deconstructive modes. Interpretation could then proceed according to an eschatological hermeneutic, within a metaphysics constituted by the eschatological imagination.