In the modern history of the world, the Europeans were once the instigators of imperialism and colonialism, the origin of two world wars in the 20th century, and a major international actor upholding power politics and hegemony. As the origin of modern military and politics, the European countries had been quite superstitious of the billowing smoke and excessive use of force in World War II. The Western European powers' conquest and invasion of other parts of the world was exactly a historical textbook of breaking through the "great wall" by force and sacking the LDCs with blood and fire. Compared with the European practice of intervention, China has certain "natural advantages" in participating in global governance. This chapter points out Chinese diplomacy, in a soft, low-key, and meticulous manner, seldom engaging in collusion through force, has always been different from the old Western powers, characterized by toughness and rigidity, advocating strength, and preferring a quick fix through force.