The introduction of the strategic dimension of metaphor in combination with synchronic co-incidence all the more empowers metaphor as a device for reality shaping and persuasion building as well as a proactive tool for persuasion analysis. To overcome the limit of target domain choice and frequency-dependent metaphorical charged lexical items, Stefanowitsch has created a specific procedure: "Metaphorical pattern analysis." In the metaphor identification shift, the metaphorical formula to be chosen has to be the most general and at the same time relevant with respect to the discourse at issue. If metaphor is primarily a conceptual phenomenon, its linguistic component and manifestation requires the need to be able to detect it in the text, as well as to understand it, eventually change it, and convey it in text, all the more considering its astonishing transformative power. The difference between static and dynamic metaphors can be related to "physicalization" and "spatialization" as macro-metaphorical processes.