Several studies have identified a correlation between participating in traditional bullying and cyberbullying. Students who are perpetrators of traditional bullying may also be perpetrators through use of information communications technology, and traditional bullying victims may also be cyberbullying victims. The results of the study indicated that cyberbullying victimization in higher education was associated with traditional bullying experienced in primary and secondary school. Research on cyberbullying among higher education students has started to analyse the extent to which cyberbullying is perpetrated within the framework of dating relationships. The purpose of the study was to analyse cyberbullying victimization among university students in education degree programs and to explore the coping strategies they found more useful to confront cyberbullying behaviour. Several studies have pointed out that cyberbullying behaviour that emerged in prior educational levels may continue at university. Future educators need the knowledge and skills required to implement suitable actions to prevent and curtail bullying and cyberbullying behaviours.