Although one might argue that sexual assault is no different whether it is committed in the context of the military or in the general population, one is hard-pressed to negate the fact that there seems to be something particular and unique about military sexual assault. In exploring the nature of military sexual trauma (MST) through a frame that poses ontological questions, we are challenged to consider what is unique about the experience of MST as opposed to sexual trauma experienced in general society. Allowing ourselves to explore the complexities of MST enables us to consider myriad influences and keeps us close to the lived experience of victims. What emerges is a conceptualization of MST that is as unique as each individual we encounter, and that honors the complexity of addressing sexual trauma within military culture and amid pain and suffering. Ultimately this chapter concludes that the Department of Defense has failed victims of MST on multiple levels—on the individual level as far as treatment acquisition, and on the systemic level regarding pervasive problems within military culture.