This chapter focuses on the 20 interviews in the second phase of the study to illustrate the ways in which these changes have impacted upon the working lives of visually impaired physiotherapists. It examines the reflections of the physiotherapists on their promotion within the physiotherapy profession, their job satisfaction and their attitudes towards physiotherapy as a suitable career for visually impaired people. Despite equal opportunity policies, the Disability Discrimination Act and less blatant discrimination against visually impaired physiotherapists, the changing environment of health care, which is connected to National Health Service and Community Care Act, has made job difficult for visually impaired physiotherapists. Some of the physiotherapists were inhibited about applying for promotion because of the barriers they believed they would experience. Despite the barriers the physiotherapists experienced in their working lives most reported high job satisfaction. The visually impaired physiotherapists have clearly experienced a complex mixture of influences during their careers.