This chapter describes context differences and presents the empirical results of the cross-sectional logistic regression models. It uses the retrospective information of the French and Spanish samples to compare patterns of timing in the leaving-home process. The chapter also uses the cross-sectional information to construct some comparative indicators on the timing of the exit from the education system and entrance into employment to better understand timing differences in the process of integration into societies in both countries. The chapter presents survival rates in the parental home of young people aged 20 to 29 in 1991 in Spain and in 1992 in France. In Spain, apart from the wide diffusion of unemployment and short-term employment there is an additional problem, which is the high incidence of irregular jobs. Social class and occupation structures vary greatly within Europe according to a north-south divide, where Germany and the Netherlands show the highest rates of professionals and technicians compared to agricultural and non-skilled workers.