This chapter on legal building systems helps the reader understand standards, regulations, and codes. It explains what is basic code history, code adoption process, ode enforcement, and code appeals. Standards are written by many different groups, including American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Association for Contract Textiles (ACT), and International Code Council (ICC). The role of the role(s) of code consultants is discussed. The chapter explains the key concepts of code research, including use and occupancy classification; special detailed requirements based on use and occupancy; types of construction; fire-resistance-rated construction; interior finishes; means of egress, accessibility, and other requirements. Fire-resistance-rated construction is required to various degrees for various reasons. The two most important concepts in codes (for interior designers) are Occupancy Group and Means of Egress, primarily because these two areas determine exit quantities and placement, and exit way widths (including corridors and stairs), all of which have a key impact on space planning.