After a concise statement of the thesis that metaphysical speculation and the laying down of metaphysical determinations are essential for the creation of an other world of meaning in which the pragmatic and poetic ethos of the mortals can be coherently expressed. This chapter sketches some of the clues for the development of an other metaphysic to be found in Heidegger's writings. It then discusses some relevant metaphysical models that will be critically examined to see whether they provide some further clues in the quest for a suitable metaphysic in a time of environmental krisis. Some clues to the kind of metaphysic appropriate for the mortals at a time of environmental krisis are therefore forthcoming from the ek-sistential pragmatic-poetic interpretation of Dasein's finitude. The chapter concludes that, the search for an other metaphysic for Umweltdasein has not thus far discerned an ecotheological metaphysic which is both free from ontotheological presuppositions and Productionist methods of inquiry.