From within the context of modernity and its historical development, Heidegger's Seinsfrage attempts to illuminate the presuppositions which underlie what he considered to be the enframing world-view of the Western tradition by examining the history of metaphysical determinations issuing from Dasein's response to Being. In order to grasp this strategy one need to show how it arose from the unfinished project of Being and Time and this will be their first task. Thereafter one should trace the historical development of physis and technê in Heidegger's account of Productionist Metaphysics to show how the essential unfolding of techne as modern technological Enframing emerges from this history. In this way, one should hope to illuminate those metaphysical determinations which underlie humanity's technological disposition towards the Enframing of nature in preparation for an account of contemporary Western Dasein as Technodasein. Resoluteness brings Dasein back to its ownmost potentiality-for-Being-its-Self.