In this chapter, the authors examine evolving partnership governance structures in Scotland at a regional and county level highlighting both good and bad practice. Scottish Enterprise (SE), the development agency for Scotland, launched a 'Clusters Approach' for its key industrial sectors in 1998. At the local level, Enterprise Ayrshire, (the local arm of SE) was instrumental in implementing the policy via the Ayrshire Textile Group (ATG). Scotland, some argue, has generated a model approach to regional economic development, with its strategic partnerships of central and local government, regional development agencies, 'Quangos', and other players in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Scotland's trans-public sector partnerships generate synergies and mechanisms for resolving conflicts, a factor that has underpinned the appeal of the 'Scottish Partnership model' across the European Union (EU). By placing obligations and responsibilities on the membership and by having an accountable framework for decision making it is hoped that the problems the ATG experienced can be avoided.