Rudolf of Slesvig was the host when Magnus the Good met Archbishop Becelin in Slesvig after the king's victory over the Slavs in 1043. To Archbishop Adaldag, while considering the future policy of his missionary work, it must have carried a certain weight that the mission to the north, contrary to the Slav option, had a strong asset: the memory of a great predecessor, Ansgar. Bent Ostergard has criticized scholarly research for having put too much trust in the unique information of Widukind in his Saxon chronicle from around 968, that the first Saxon king, Henry I, after his victory over the Danes in 934, also baptized a Danish king by name of Chnuba. The evidence for an Anglo-Saxon background for the younger Odinkar's role in Ribe, therefore, is very uncertain. The evidence for an Anglo-Saxon background for the younger Odinkar's role in Ribe, therefore, is very uncertain.