This chapter discusses the arrangements that are in place to support the resettlement of prisoners in Scotland. The majority are serving relatively short custodial sentences (less than four years) and are not subject to statutory supervision following release, although they may be released early subject to an electronically monitored Home Detention Curfew. Persons convicted of more serious offences and who receive longer prison sentences (including life sentences and Orders of Lifelong Restriction) are released at the discretion of the Parole Board. Those released on licence are supervised by criminal justice social workers, but third sector organizations are also increasingly involved in supporting prisoners prior to and following their release. Prison recall rates have increased in recent years, usually as a result of technical violations rather than further offending. Key challenges include the provision of a consistent and effective service across a large number of local authorities and the limited capacity of the criminal justice system to address more fundamental issues of social justice and facilitate desistance without significant civic and governmental commitment and support.