This chapter considers the way that the theory and practice of social movements have been used in some conceptual and strategic debates concerning the politics of resistance to globalization. It explores the impact of global social movements, the new internationalisms and the counter hegemonic project to that of transnational capital. The chapter shows how critical International Political Economy (IPE) has sought to explain and conceptualize the politics of resistance. The development of neoliberal globalization has precipitated two main strands of theory and practice within the 'discipline'. The idea of a malign group working within the 'limits of the possible' also forms a strategic part of the neoGramscian 'project' approach to the politics of globalization in critical IPE. The idea is that a new transnational class project is dedicated to institutionalizing 'neoliberals' into the legal constitutions or political constitutions of states by locking them into both the present and future direction of economic policy or political policy.