Satellites help us in several ways to study natural resources, vegetation patterns and agricultural crop production trends. Satellite imagery has to be supplemented with close-range sharp and detailed images derived from airborne campaigns and/or drones. Researchers have concentrated on accumulating data about forest plantations, their fluctuations and the extent of loss of forests in a given area, using satellite imagery. Satellite-mediated observation of sandy terrain and cropping belts too are conducted regularly. A comparative analysis of drones, airborne campaigns and satellites and their utility in analysing natural resources is useful. Drones could also have a strong impact on assessing weather related changes on water resources and on crop productivity. Drones actually offer cost effective monitoring of forest gaps, tree health and productivity. A digital library or data bank of various forest tree species traced in the region, along with their spectral signatures, is a useful idea. Traditional methods of tree planting, particularly, planting sets/explants or seed dibbling is slow process.