In the final chapter, AE in general and this book in particular are summarized as aiming to “help good people do good work together, better.” It hopes to help people working towards improving their own, as well as others' social interventions in the fields of conflict resolution, community development and beyond, by a sustained and systemic action study about the nature of success in praxis.

In this final chapter, AE in general and this book in particular are summarized as aiming to “help good people do good work together, better.” It hopes to help people working toward improving their own, as well as others' social interventions in the fields of conflict resolution, community development and beyond, by a sustained and systemic action study about the nature of success in praxis. It begins with a summary review of innovations and applications of AE. It then provide an internal assessment of its strengths and weaknesses by examining again the case studies presented through the lenses of “success and failure.” Finally, the chapter concludes with my own mini-AE about my aspirations for the future of AE and an invitation to you, my readers, to join me and many other colleagues around the world who have collaborated in building this methodology so far, as we look forward to its unfolding in the future.