This chapter discusses the use of the application programming interface (API) provided by the Linux System call interface (SCI) and libraries for process creation, termination, and management. It also discusses fundamental process management concepts in Linux: process creation, process termination, waiting for a child process to terminate and obtain its termination status, overwriting a process image with another, creating zombie processes, sharing open files between a process and its children, and duplicating file descriptors. The chapter explains the concept of signals in Linux, signal generation, and signal handling, process management concepts using various system and library calls using small programs. It shows a few system calls for process management. The chapter covers the following system calls, library calls, commands, and primitives: alarm(), dup(), dup2(), execl(), execve(), execle(), exit(), file, fork(), gcc48, getpid(), getppid(), getuid(), getguid(), kill(), ls, signal(), size, wait(), waitpid(), wait3(), wait4(), wait6(), various pthread librar.