Combating poverty and social exclusion ceased to be an exclusively national concern in 2001 when the European Council of Nice endorsed the proposal of a strengthened cooperation process based on National Action Plans, common objectives and indicators. To the growing perception of common challenges corresponds the 'Europeanization' of the politicai debate and of the social movements that are active in combating poverty and social exclusion, including charities as well as interest groups. Adding a European Union (EU) dimension to combating poverty and social exclusion represents a challenge for the EU institutions and in first place the Commission itself. In December 2000 the Nice European Council decided to launch the new method in the field of combating poverty and social exclusion and defined a common set of four objectives: to facilitate participation in employment and access to resources, rights, goods, and services for all; to prevent the risks of exclusion; to help the most vulnerable; and to mobilize all relevant bodies.