To some extent, the same eonsideration ean be observed in Greece and in Turkey in relation to their foreign poliey objeetive vis-a-vis the European Union. Both eountries' relations with the EU have rather been driven by their efforts to eall one another to aeeount, and have been dietated by their long-standing mutual hostility. Indeed, the timing of the Turkish applieation for associate membership ean be viewed in the eontext of Turkey's traditional eoneems about Greek diplomaey, in that it feared that Greeee would use its association with the EU to its disadvantage, in order to gain more eoneessions with regard to the issues between them. This was also the ease for Greeee: her traditional eoneem over Turkey eonstituted an important element in the decision ofthe Greek govemment in 1959 to negotiate an association agreement with the EU and apply for full membership in June 1975 (Christakis, 1993, p. 20).