A possible milestone may have been achieved in 1992 when the American Economic Association published John Roemer and Pranab Bardhan's article "Market Socialism: A Case for Rejuvenation" in the Summer issue of its Journal of Economic Perspectives. This chapter surveys and evaluates three plans for a profit-oriented system of market socialism which have been put forward in the professional literature during the post-Lange period. It shows that there are numerous possible sub-categories within the general category of profit-oriented market socialism. Mainstream attitudes toward cooperative market socialism are about the same as those toward Langian market socialism: skeptical and unenthusiastic. A descriptive designation for the economic system would be "service market socialism". The Bureau of Public Ownership's authority under pragmatic market socialism would be importantly decentralized and delegated. Stauber Leland G. argues that entrepreneurial propensities under regional ownership market socialism would be virtually identical to those under capitalism.