A key role of education is to produce responsible individuals. To achieve this outcome requires the communication of the teacher as well as the student's acceptance of the relevant "truths". The Catholic conception of confession falls within the educational paradigm in creating truth and responsible individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society, key outcomes of the educational process. This chapter explains the role and effect of confession in the context of sexuality and the connection between confession and what Michel Foucault terms parrēsia, the discourse of truth. The role and effect of power relations in the educational context is seen in the relentless drive toward monetization and commoditization of education. Neoliberalism converts education from a tool to create responsible individuals into an end in itself, namely, a profit-making scheme. Earlier in the first volume of The History of Sexuality, Foucault states that 'sexuality is correlative of that slowly developed discursive practice which constitutes the scientia sexualis'.