Patterns of regional specialization and geographical concentration of industrial activity have been identified and analysed in five accession countries1 on the basis of employment data at a regional level, disaggregated by manufacturing branches. To this purpose, we have generated a special data set, REGSTAT, which includes, apart from employment, other variables at the regional level used in our analysis such as: demographic variables, average earnings, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), measures of infrastructure, enterprise intensity, education, research and development (R&D) and public expenditure. In general, the period covered is 1990-99. However, in the case of Slovenia, official statistics are available starting with 1994 for average earnings, number of domestic firms, number of firms with foreign participation and R&D, and starting with 1997 for the remaining variables. In addition to data from official statistics, the database for Slovenia includes data compiled from companies’ balance sheet reports.2 Regional variables are available at NUTS 3 and NUTS 2 levels. The database’s content is presented in Tables 3.A1-3.A15.