Aetiology is concerned with forms of explanation. The classic example of the aetiological device is the myth. The Jewish creation myth will help pre-scientific enquirers to know why it is that Jews keep the Sabbath. In short, as anthropologists are quick to stress, myths exist to justify current social practices. It is perhaps significant that the demise of the 'witch scare' coincided with the rise of capitalism and commercialism in Europe. Women were regarded as being more volatile and coitally unpredictable than men, as was evidenced by their sexual shenanigans with the demons. G. Kelly and I. Saklofske who contended that what at first appeared to support a paranormal hypothesis was unconvincing because it had not given due consideration to alternative hypotheses. Astrological horoscopes have been traditionally cast according to the Sun or Zodiac sign of the month in which a person was born, and the 'Rising sign'.