Islamic and non-Islamic scholars agree that the Koran has remained essentially unchanged, and is therefore still in the authentic original form. Islam completes the line of evolution of the religions, and completes the revelation of God to man. There is no God but God, the Almighty, who was given the name which was most understandable in Mecca - Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Muslim law has two major sources - the Koran which is a comprehensive guide to righteous living, and the Hadiths. The armies of Islam, 'Fired by their new faith..', triumphed rapidly in North Africa and in the East. The imprint of various centuries of Muslim rule left a legacy that would have to be considered in all future political and geographical calculations. The imprint was not so much in the physical fabric of the country. The Muslims and Hindus have therefore a long history of interrelating with each other.