It will be known from the newspapers that Stalin’s article “Dizzy with Success” and the well-known decision of the Central Committee regarding “The Fight Against Distortions of the Party Line in the Collective Farm Movement” have called forth numerous responses from among the ranks of practical workers in the collective farm movement. In this connection I recently received a number of letters from comrades, collective farmers, calling upon me to reply to the questions contained in them. It was my duty to reply to the letters in private correspondence; but that proved to be impossible, since more than half the letters received did not have the addresses of the writers (they forgot to send their addresses). Nevertheless, the questions raised in these letters are of tremendous political interest for all our comrades. Moreover, I could not, of course, leave unanswered the letters of those comrades who forgot to send their addresses. In view of this I found myself faced with the necessity of replying to the comrades from the collective farms in an open letter, i.e. in the Press, taking from their letters all the questions necessary for the purpose. I did this all the more willingly since I had a direct decision of the Central Committee to this purpose.