The economic interpretation of history is nothing but a generalized psycho-analysis of the social and political mind. The Marxian diagnosis is regarded as an outrage rather than a science. It is met, not with comprehension and critical analysis, but with rationalizations and "defence-reactions" of the most wild and infantile kind. One of the most notable of these defence-reactions has been contributed by the Freudians themselves. Doctors are in the economic nature of things bourgeois, or petit-bourgeois, and these Freudian doctors are driven on, in their attempt to explain away revolution, by unconscious motives of class-loyalty and pecuniary self-defence. It is a case of ideological thinking. The reflection of economic relations in the form of legal principles is accomplished in such a way that this process does not reach the consciousness of the agent. However mystical metaphysics will prevent any Marxian from abandoning this "Philosophy of History", and going forward to that more analytical scientific attitude which it anticipated.