Viewing artists and philosophers as heroes is nothing new. In order to localise the heroic in Modernity, people need to be reminded, however, of a sociophilosophical theory which states that heroes no longer really have a place within the structure of Modern society. In post-mythical and especially Modern times, heroism therefore, sociophilosophically speaking, has its legitimate place in art, its elitist and popular variant. Albert Einstein, can admittedly be viewed as heroes for discovering and conquering new scientific and technological continents. In the case of religion, and especially in the case of politics, the situation is different. Religious heroes and heroines are saints, martyrs and legendary figures who embody faith in purity, who die for it or who serve as mythical role models on the back of their exemplary experiences. Sport has also been a starting point for a theorist who enjoys comparing the various arts, moving freely between literature, history and philosophy.