The main aim of this longitudinal project was to examine how normal couples cope with the transition to parenthood. In this paper the principal goal was to examine parental self efficacy during this family life phase. Self-efficacy - which in this research was conceived as a level of beliefs which concern judgments of one’s ability to perform competently and effectively during pregnancy and afterwards with the new child - is the mediating link between beliefs, knowledge and behavior. Perceived ability to be able to deal with the complex needs associated with the new role means to feel able to respond to the necessity of a baby, one’s own needs and those of partner (Bandura, 1986). The sample was composed of 60 couples (60 mothers and 60 fathers, in total 120 subjects) expecting their first child, in North Italy. In this longitudinal research project data were to be collected twice (6-8 month of pregnancy and 3-4 months postpartum). Parallel versions of a self-report questionnaire were administered to husband and wife. Data were analyzed by LISREL.