Dystopias are all about the end of civilization whether humanity realizes it or not. The dystopian world is defined by lack of natural resources, contamination, lives lost, hardcore survival against insurmountable odds and/or rampaging zombies. Sir Thomas More coined the term "utopia" in his satirical book of the same name, published in Latin in 1516. It described a fictional island society in which everything was perfect. The multiple Emmy Award-winning The Handmaid's Tale, created by Bruce Miller and adapted from the 1985 novel by Margaret Atwood, became the first streaming show to win for best drama series. A Bible-based fundamentalist movement known as the "Sons of Jacob" has staged a revolution and created new authoritative/theocratic laws superseding the US Constitution. The before-and-after depictions of June/Offred are shocking, and show us how a society can change, virtually overnight, unless people were vigilant. American Gods enters the semi-grounded/supernatural/digital acid trip canon that includes Twin Peaks, The OA, Stranger Things and The Leftovers.