On the 9th November Molotov's departure for Berlin had the effect of a bomb explosion. Public opinion, the world press, and the diplomatists accredited to Moscow all believed that this was the final consecration of the Russo-German collaboration. The authorization granted to Molotov to journey beyond the frontiers of the USSR. was without precedent. For the first time one of the heads of the Soviet Government was to go abroad in order to discuss matters with the head of another government, and with the head of a State. A fanfare gave the signal for the start at the Bieloroussky-Baltisky railway station. All the members of the Politburo and the Government were present–except Stalin. He had left for Sotchi at the military review, vigorously applauding a fiery speech by Marshal Timoshenko, declaring that 'whosoever should dare to cross the Soviet frontier and defy the invincible strength of the Red Army would be annihilated by this army'.