Complying with the French tradition, which attached the greatest importance to history of philosophy, Bouveresse devoted his master thesis to Fichte's political philosophy under Raymond Aron's supervision. The precarious situation of analytical philosophy in France in the 1960s to the 1980s is even more startling considering that Anglophone philosophers used to be welcomed in France at the beginning of the twentieth century. Romain Pudal convincingly recounts the history of the reception of American and British philosophy in France, and accounts for its discontinuities through a narrative of successive oblivions and reactivations. Romain Pudal convincingly recounts the history of the reception of American and British philosophy in France, and accounts for its discontinuities through a narrative of successive oblivions and reactivations. Anglo-Saxon philosophy of science was discredited from the outset as politically dubious and even threatening, a mere product of the execrated American imperialism and Western technocratic capitalism.