The America-Caribbean sector includes many regional organisations with a vocation of economic integration: North American Free trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mercado Comun del Sur (MERCOSUR), Andean Community, Central American Common Market, Group of Three, Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), Organisation of East Caribbean States (OECS) as well as the recent Association of Caribbean States (ACS). The Association of Caribbean States seems a space hinge between the NAFTA and the common markets of Latin America. In spite of the exceptional conditions of heterogeneity, the constitutive convention of the Association of Caribbean States was signed in Cartagena in July 1994. It became effective in August 1995. All the independent States are to this date members of the ACS. The interministerial conference on the regional cooperation had allowed the appointment of an interdepartmental delegate for the development of the regional cooperation in the Caribbean.