This chapter provides information on the factors that coaches should consider when they coach team sports. It also provides information on: a definition of team cohesion, conceptual model of team cohesion, factors that influence team cohesion, the importance of team cohesion, the effects of coach behaviour and leadership on team cohesion, team-building strategies, and factors to consider when planning team-building interventions. Team cohesion is associated with enhanced performance, positive mood, peer efficacy, and effort, but reduced anxiety and jealousy among team mates. Coaches' behaviours influence team cohesion, as does a coach's relationship with his or her athletes. Team-building interventions include goal setting, performance profiling, athlete integration, and role development. The chapter presents a case study of a 29-year-old academy manager in a professional rugby league club. It also presents some practice exam questions, critical thinking questions and case study questions related to team cohesion.