Mystery, ritual, and pausing offer a tactic for composting not only psycurity but Psychology too – reviving response-abilities for psychologies within a neocolonial security state. Composting psycurity, the experiment offers Psychology fresh modes of response-ability, within contemporary conditions. In turn, entanglements affect response-ability. Placing it beside Psychology, Missed Connections changed the context, the experimental apparatus, of Magical Ideation, to theorize how space-making could be a mode of response-ability for psychologies seeking decoloniality. In doing so, mystery could fertilize a space for otherworldly correspondence, for imagination, breathing new life into psycurity, into Psychology. Working from an agential realism that treats experiences as entanglements, the experiment diffracted the im/possible, it/self, and the un/favorable, directing attention to differences and how these come to matter. In particular, given a context of psycurity, this composting opened a space for the decolonial in the neo-colonial.