Scheduled aie line operations statistics, by months, for the year 1 9 3 6, divided as to domestic and foreign operations. (in Air commer. bull.. vol. 8, May 1937» ΡΡ· 247-2 50)

Scheduled air transport operations statistics for the year 1 9 3 2. (in Air commer. bull,, vol. 4, Apr. 1, 1933» PP· 473-4 76)

Scheduled air transport operations statistics for the year 1933· (in Air commer. bull., vol. 6, July 1934, pp. 7-15)

Scheduled air transport operations statistics for the year 1 93 4. (in Air commer. bull., vol. 6, May 1935» PP· 261265)

Scheduled transportation operations of American air lines, I929-I934. (in Automot. ind.. vol. 72, Feb. 23, 1934, PP. 2 95)

Summary of United States air transport operations, January 1, 193 8· (in Air commer. bull., vol. 9» Jan. 1938, pp. 1 7 5-1 7 6 )

Survey showing population in United States, percent of population, and cities and towns served by regular scheduled air lines, together with miles of airways and airports used by the scheduled services in each trading area as of November 1, 1934. (in Air commer. bull., vol. 6, Jan. 1 9 3 5, pp. 165-167)

Transport traffic and operation, (in Aviat., vol. 34, May 1935, PP. 166-169)

What's what on the airlines: tabulation and maps, (in Aviat. vol. 31, Aug. 1932, pp. 344-347)

3 Chronological Years, 1941-1950


Accounting for air transportation, by M.W. McQueen, (in Natl, assoc, cost account, bull., vol. 23» Nov. 15» 1941, pp. 345-3¿9)

Airline accounting, by C.A. Zarini0 (in Natl, assoc, cost account. bul1 ., vol. 27» Feb. 1 , 1946, pp. 507-514)

Airline accounting, by C.G. Adams, (in Natl, assoc, cost account, bull., vol. 28(6), sec. 1, Nov. 15» 1946, pp. 359-376)

1 48

Gives historical account of airline accounting.