Gives the experience of the Colorado Highway Department·

Ton-mile cost of motor truck haulage, by R.C· Barnett, (in Good roads, vol. 15, Mar. 2, 1918, pp. 129)

\ Truck transportation of laborers and materials, by W.E·

Hardenburg. (in Munie. i.. vol. 46, Mar. 29, 1919, pp. 229-2 30)

What does it cost to operate motor trucks? (in Paper, no. 27, Sept. 15, I92O, pp. 2 6)

vol. 51» Jan. 1, 1919» PP· 19-20)

2 Chronological Years, I92I-I93O


Accounting division reports: transportation section of the Pacific Coast Electrical Association, (in Electr. west.· vol. 64, May 15, 1930, pp. 504-511)

Handling truck costs on the basis of actual expenses by groups, by C. Gillespie, (in Natl, pet, news, vol. 22, July 30, 1 93 0, pp. 99 and loll

Gives method of distributing truck and car operating costs.