This chapter provides a brief introduction to the new theories and perspectives. It deals with a critical discussion of neoliberalism which provides the socio-economic foundations – or mode of production – of contemporary societies with highly significant criminogenic consequences. The chapter provides an overview of the invariably distorted and neglected treatment of sexual orientation and gender identity issues and LGBTQ populations in the field of criminology. Mainstream criminology has been challenged by critical criminologists as establishment, administrative, managerial, correctional, or positivistic criminology. Critical race theory is another key component of the critical criminological armoury and refers to an historical and contemporary body of scholarship which aims to interrogate the discourses, ideologies and social structures which have produced and maintained conditions of racial injustice. Newsmaking criminology is a ‘call for action’ requesting that criminologists put aside their value-free ‘objectivity’ and ‘neutrality’, and attempt to move the public toward ‘enlightened’ self-awareness about crime, justice, and society.