The small science and technology (S&T) system included universities which combined the functions of teaching and research as well as an industrial research and development (R&D) system organized and sponsored by private sources. As a result of the dearth of capital after World War II, Government played a diminished role, utilizing instruments such as procurement and subsidies. The S&T system was, as is true for many subsystems of society, compartmentalized, centralized and planned. Science is perceived by Marxists as one of the driving forces for the restructuring of society. In the early 1950s the MTA was remodeled after the Soviet S&T system which had its organizational power centralized in the Academy of Science. Under the constraints of the socialist notions of planning, the S&T system of the Soviet Union had to be rearranged completely. During the 1920s a lively discussion was waged amongst the party elite of the Soviet Union about the way R&D should be organized.