For Lenin the shock was severe. At this point another tragedy hit him: Inessa Armand died. The nature of his relations with Inessa after spring, 1917, is not known. After Lenin's move to Moscow, Inessa became a member of the Moscow Executive Committee and of the local economic council. Early in 1919 Inessa was sent to Paris as a delegate of the Russian Red Cross. In the spring and summer of 1920, Inessa exhausted herself while preparing for the Second Comintern Congress. Though a chief of state may find it difficult to carry on a love affair secretly, Lenin had ample opportunity to see Inessa. Alexandra Kollontai, reminiscing about Inessa's theses to women's congresses, said that they were always fascinating and interesting. There exists a description of Lenin's behaviour during Inessa's burial Lenin was suffering intensely, yet he tried to control himself and conceal his feelings. He hid his face beneath his hat so his tears would not be seen.