This chapter focuses on flushing out the environment to create creative spaces, providing a climate conducive to creativity, constructivist creative spaces, elements in planning creative spaces for creativity and Developing outdoor creative spaces inspired by the forest school approach. Creative spaces are about conditions for creativity to take place, a stage for powerful learning, or, as Tarr states, 'lived experiences'. Based on the theories of early childhood, constructivism is a concept about how one learns. It advocates that children construct their own understanding and knowledge of world through experiencing and then reflecting on those experiences. Outdoor spaces offer an excellent opportunity for play, exploration, and active learning. It should be child-led, and the activities should follow the direction in which children choose to take them. Creative learning does not just happen, and vital to this is the development, quality, and richness of creative spaces. Creative spaces are where children's curiosities, ideas, and discoveries are cultivated, and where creativity's characteristics flourish.