Conducted over several days in New York City, this extended interview explores Wolff’s early years as a product of the Monthly Review school of post-World War II U.S. Marxism, the formation and development of his partnership with Steve Resnick, the establishment of and enduring divisions within the radical economics Ph.D. program at UMass-Amherst, the shift in Resnick and Wolff’s work after their encounters with Barry Hindess and Paul Hirst’s Pre-capitalist Modes of Production and the writings of Louis Althusser in the 1970s, and their ongoing collaborative work with current and former Ph.D. students that led to the founding of the journal Rethinking Marxism in the late 1980s. The interview also covers tensions between the epistemological and class aspects of Resnick and Wolff’s work, Wolff’s recent popular advocacy of worker self-directed enterprises, and the relationship between workplace democracy and other social movements.